Old Man Hawaii

The performers were excellent!


Enjoying the show.

This image really harnesses the Hawaiian spirit. And an X-Men spirit.
Fire Spinner
Watch this video! This guy is ridiculously talented.

I had to. Shaka.


After the Luau, Brett and I went to my least favorite place, the tavern in Kauai. Those two jerks to the left are locals doing what all locals in this tavern do, ruin everyone's time. Please keep in mind that I am only against the locals in this particular tavern. They're just drunken trouble.

On the walk back to the ship we decided to try and take an "all-jumping" photo. It turned out to be much harder than you would think. Pictured here: Brett not off the ground.

Also on the way back to the ship I saw two people leaving the ship to go on a run. It was about 2am and I totally wanted to go! I met up with some other dude who was going, ran to the ship, changed, and then met up with the other runners. It was awesome! We ran for 45min in the starry skied Kauai night.
We went to a gigantic luau!! The luau was presented for the ship's crew only and I think everyone had a great time. Food wise I had pork, rice, mahi mahi, chicken, a coconut dessert, rice pudding, and 4 squares of guava cheesecake. All delicious.
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