Yeah! Convertible! (I made poor Brett put his hands up. I guess I thought the pic would seem more convertible.)

Couple of dudes, cruising.

Wait a second!! A FEW dudes, cruising! Jeff decided to come along.

These trees smell wonderful and the sign is very informative.

We saw a lot of horses and we even saw people setting up for a polo match.

Lots of winding roads. The scenery changed every 5 minutes.
Singing in Jeep

You can bike down the mountain/crater...if you're crazy.

Gorgeous trees everywhere.


The higher we got, the colder it got. Here's me putting on a second shirt.

It started to get pretty darn cold and then we started to see clouds so close.

Next thing we knew, we were IN the clouds!!

I didn't expect that the clouds would be playing such a huge part in our day.

They were awesome.

When we reached our destination we saw this. Unreal.

I mean seriously, Mars.

Thinking to myself, "Am I really going down into that?"
On a whim while in Maui, Brett and I decided to rent a Jeep and head to the Haleakala crater. We invited Jeff and he came along. We really had no idea what we were in for.
"The guidebook and rangers told us that the interior of the crater was the interior of a volcano and the surface was similar to the surface of Mars or the moon." (jeffgriggs.blogspot.com)
It's true, the surface was unlike anything I had ever seen before. We decided to hike around in and on the crater. It was freaking freezing and we were not at all prepared. In the end though, it was amazing.
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