Thursday, June 24, 2010

Afternoon at Rigo's

The other day my dad and I went to my uncle Rigo's house for an interesting seafood lunch. My uncle has this "griddle" that is made from an old tractor part. Well he poured oil into it and fried up some tasty fish and squid. It was an awesome day and I got to hang out with all of my cousins too!

Mmm! Looks tasty right?

My uncle's badass 69' Chevy Malibu.


  1. Chris!

    That squid looks crazy!

    At first I thought they were baby doll heads then my eyes focused.

    Looks really good though.

    Glad you are blogging again.

  2. Jeannie! I read your blog all the time! I know that squid looks a little intense.
