Miss my improv team, Kick Drum Decade. Here, Darren removed the color from those of us who are missing from the team at the moment.

Taking a breather during a hot day of tennis in Kona.

Brett on the court. Nice court, right?

So I'm one of those guys now. One of those guys that wears the running gear. Here I am displaying my new running pack, boy was it great. This stuff really helps on a long run. This is me before my run to Menehune Fish Pond in Kauai.

Menehune Fish Pond, Kauai

After my run I grabbed a beer and a book and read on the beach. This was my view.


Robyn and I went on a crew-only excursion, a hike to Makapuu Lighthouse in Oahu.

Some of the crew taking fun pics.

There's the lighthouse!

Check this guy out! When we reached the highest point of our hike we saw a bunch of guys doing this. In the background is Rabbit Head Island or something like that.
Well, 6 more weeks to go. I'm in good spirits and am trying to stay active and healthy while I have the time to do so.